As with most institutions of higher education, Hood has a strong tradition of recognizing academic excellence, personal development, and community involvement through student membership in honor societies. More than a dozen academic disciplines are currently represented on campus, but the first organization of this type at Hood was Alpha Psi Omega, a national theater honor society. The College’s Theta Eta chapter was installed in 1940 and remained active through 2004. Other notable groups with long histories at Hood include the Alpha Omicron chapter of Beta Beta Beta, national biological honor society, and the Pi Alpha Sigma or Keystone chapter of Mortar Board, a national honor society recognizing college seniors, both active on campus since 1948. Phi Kappa Phi, the nation’s oldest, largest, and most selective honor society for all academic disciplines, has had a chapter at Hood since 1975. Induction ceremonies for new members are typically held in the spring semester. In addition to offering opportunities for fellowship and scholarship, many Hood chapters host or assist with a wide variety of campus activities and events throughout the academic year.