“Give Your Heart to Hood Day” (GYHTHD) is a current Hood tradition that began in 1995. During its early years, GYHTHD involved an afternoon of small group discussions on what makes the College great and how students can improve the College. The 1999 celebration focused on “available resources, wellness and food and safety”[1]. Concerns about the productivity and “complaints only” direction that the sessions were headed, SGA reformatted the celebration. The fifth annual event in 2000 included group activities such as arts and crafts, a wellness fair, painting and team building. According to former SGA president, the main objective of GYHTHD was to “join hearts, minds, and hands together to contribute to the community” [2]. Since then, GYHTHD became a day where the Hood community comes together to work on projects that benefit the College.
[1] Blue & Grey, February 10, 1999
[2] Blue & Grey, February 28, 2000