The Margaret Hood Ball is an annual semi-formal dance that first appeared as part of homecoming festivities in the fall of 1996. Alumnae, alumni, faculty and staff were invited to join students to dance the night away to the sounds of a live orchestra in Coblentz Hall for the maiden event. In 2001, an inaugural ball celebrating Ronald J. Volpe’s installation as the College’s president took the place of the dance on the calendar. With both the Hood Ball and the Messiah semi-formal occurring in the fall, a decision was made in 2013 to move the ball to the spring, offering students the opportunity to enjoy a major dance in each semester. In recent years, the Hood Ball has been sponsored by the freshman class as both a celebration of their first year on campus and a farewell to senior students. Throughout its history, the College has played host to dances of all types, from formal and semi-formal affairs to hops, socials, and proms. While venues, themes and formats have changed with each event, the Margaret Hood Ball continues as part of a rich dance tradition at Hood.