No one today knows precisely where Jacobine Holly, a Frederick Woman’s College faculty member from 1893 to 1899, came up with the artwork for the original College seal. What is known, thanks to notes from the College’s first president, Joseph Henry Apple, is that Holly took the main image used for the center of the seal from a magazine that she may have brought with her when she moved to the U.S. from her native Germany. It appears that the seal came into use around 1912.
Apple also credits Holly with coming up with the College’s motto. This transcription of President Apple’s notes, believed to be from around 1910 and at about the time Holly left the College, sheds light on the origins of the seal and the motto.
“Corde, et mente, et manu, freely translated (is) with heart and mind and hand; the heart to conceive, the mind to direct, and the hand to execute. The college seal was adapted from the cover of a German magazine of hers, and represents a man and woman seated amid products of invention, industry, discovery, literature and art.”
The first and a subsequent seals, presumably an adaptation of the one he references, features two women. The newest version of the seal features a woman and a man, as the original German version did.
This most recent design, which was reviewed and approved by the College’s Board of Trustees, senior administration and alumni executive board, is intended to reflect Hood’s mission and to be representative of all of the College’s constituencies.