Randle Elliott, a political scientist and specialist in international relations, served as Hood’s fourth president from 1961 to 1971. Before his tenure he was a foreign correspondent, author, editor and college professor.
A graduate of Westminster College, he earned his master’s and doctoral degrees from Harvard University. His years at Hood were a time of social change. And because of his background, Dr. Elliott worked hard to strengthen Hood’s sense of global connectedness, enrolling the College in the US-India Women’s College program in 1966 and creating Hood’s well-regarded Junior Year Abroad program in 1967. In 1970, the College revised its charter to admit local men as commuters while preserving its primary role as a residential college for women.
During Dr. Elliott’s tenure, a number of new buildings were erected, including the Tatem Arts Center, Rosenstock Hall and Coblentz Memorial Hall. He assumed the presidency of Bay Path Junior College in Massachusetts after leaving Hood.