125 Profiles

We’re compiling 125 profiles of the people, places, things, traditions and buildings that make Hood the special place it is. Check back as we update this page and make our way to 125 profiles.

Mother-Daughter Weekend


Beaux Arts Ball

Dad and Daughter Weekend

Honors Program

Winchester Hall

Wisteria Literary Magazine

Hood Magazine

Four Columns of Alumnae Hall

Language Houses

Hood Seals and Latin Motto

Shirley D. Peterson

Brodbeck Hall

Braddock Heights Picnic

Hood Class Banners

White Blazer

Marx Center

Liberation Weekend (Black Mind)

Hodson Outdoor Theater

Fall Family Weekend and Homecoming

Chapel (clustered spires)

Holiday Dinner

Give Your Heart to Hood Day


Ronald J. Volpe

Honor Societies

Coblentz Hall

Folklore at Hood College

Miss Touchstone

Coblentz Memorial Hall

Pergola Party

Student Government Association

Franny Delaplaine Randall ’45, H’06

Meyran Hall

Hood Ring

Robert N. Funk

The Graduate School

Thomas Gateways

Theodore H. Erck

Alumnae Hall

The Pergola

The Hood Special Collections and Archive

Joseph Henry Apple

A. Randle Elliott

Hood College Daylily

Policies for Dollars

Margaret Hood Ball

East Cottage

Blazer Bricks/Fountain

Camp RAUdy

Ionic Society

Hodson Science and Technology Center

Campus Day

Shriner Hall

Touchstone Yearbook

Big and Little Sis/Sib

Andrew G. Truxal

Joseph Henry Apple Library

Andrea E. Chapdelaine

Smith Hall

Williams Observatory

Ross J. Pritchard

Mortar Board

Hood Hello

Henry I. Stahr

Margaret Scholl Hood

Blue and Grey Newspaper

Martha E. Church